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Friday, March 14

Puppet Shows and Shadow Plays: Part 3b – The Sacred Cave

The cave was windblown and dark, but it twisted and turned.

“Guppy, Caprice you two stay out on watch out here,” said Blade. “The rest of you are with me.”

They crept slowly, shifting their flashlight beams to and fro like searchlights in a fog. Blade’s foot hit something and it skittered across the room, echoing as it went.

“Oh, that’d be the skull…” began Jim-Bean.

Blade turned the beam on the source of the sound. There were three bodies. The first two were little more than knife-marked bones. The third was drained of blood and partially devoured.

“…of a victim,” he finished. [MORE]


posted by Mike Tresca at 7:38 AM

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