Saturday, March 15
Puppet Shows and Shadow Plays: Part 4a – Santana’s Run
“We think the murderer might be a woman.”
“Hell, you city slickers don’t know nothin’, do ya?” Garrett shouted into the phone. “My boys got a bloody print off the bones in the cave. And it ain’t no chick.”
“Who is it?” asked Blade. He was losing patience with the man’s ego.
“Master Sergeant Emanuel Santana. He’s a real bad ass too. Deserted the U.S. Army Special Forces in 1972 while on leave to attend his mother’s funeral. He was on detached duty to the CIA’s operation PHOENIX in South Vietnam. This job’s got the U.S. Army CIC, the U.S. Marshal’s Service, and the CIA all over it.”
“Great,” said Blade.
“You wanted night vision goggles? You got it. This case is now an oh-fish-SHAL federal investigation. You boys can keep it.” He hung up.
Blade sighed. “This investigation just got a lot more complicated.” [MORE]
Labels: d20 modern
posted by Mike Tresca at 8:58 AM
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