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Tuesday, September 2

Closed Casket: Part 4b – Magic Time

A loud noise made them all look out the window.

It was the sound of a truck’s horn. A big truck.

Through the heat and smoke, they could make out the shimmering image of a huge white truck cab bearing down on the ring of flaming cars. There was a man tied to the front of it, spread-eagled, screaming as he approached.

“The other half of the missing tourists,” said Jim-Bean. “You’re right, it’s time to get out of here.”

“And go where?” asked Hammer. “We’re trapped in this place.”

Hammer threw one arm over Jim-Bean as he dragged him out the door. Robert followed a second later.

The truck blasted through the flaming wreckage, smashing cars out of the way. It kept on coming with no driver visible at the wheel.

“The foundation,” said Hammer. “You burned the basement…” [MORE]


posted by Mike Tresca at 6:27 AM

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