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Thursday, November 6

Chapter 39: Silence, Silver and Secrets - Introduction

This is a Year One Living Arcanis Nishanpur adventure, “Silence, Silver and Secrets” by Kimberly Wajer-Scott, set in the Arcanis setting. You can read more about Arcanis at http://www.onaraonline.org. Please note: This adventure contains spoilers!

Our cast of characters includes:

Well, well, well. Where last we left our heroes, Kham had just shot a Nierite officer in the back of the head after escaping from prison. That was totally unexpected but not out of character for Kham, who was getting more than a little aggravated with the law.

Far be it for me to let such a thing pass without comment! Kham’s victim turns out to be a lot more important than he could have ever guessed. And the stakes are higher than ever, thanks to a little thing called, “whoever doesn’t show up to the game but was in the last session gets to be held hostage.”

Can I hear three cheers for railroading? [MORE]


posted by Mike Tresca at 6:30 AM

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